Friday, August 11, 2006

The Calm Before the Storm...

Purple squares, purple squares, walk on the purple squares, zip your lip, inside voices, raise your hand, I have lost count on how many times I have said that within the past 2 days. It's official, I am a kindergarten teacher to 21 students. This is a picture of the calm before the storm. Thursday was the first day. Besides the fact it was a long day, I was smiling when I left. My kids were sweet and it's so fun to hear them call me Ms. Flusser. Ok, so half of them say Ms. Flusher... but I am working on it. Today was day 2. The day was even longer, but I still left smiling. I did not realize that a 2 day work week could feel like a 5 day work week. I have planning to do this weekend as well as prep work and organizing for my classroom. Here is to my new career! It's been long in coming! Let's just hope it goes up hill from here on out...


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