Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tis the Holiday Season

Wow, where has time gone? My second year of Kindergarten has been passing me by way too fast and I have not had a chance to catch my breath. I will say it's been a very interesting year with many new firsts...Anywho, Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is in the picture and New Years is around the corner. I am hoping these soldiers will put us more in the Holiday spirit. It is hard to teach the winter holidays with the temperature being 83 degrees. Rumor has it that a "cold" or should I say "cool" front will be blowing in next week. It will sure make it easier to discuss Santa pulling his sled and delivering presents to all the good boys and girls. Hhmmm, I wonder what the odds are that there will be a White Christmas in Houston this year. I know, slim to none! However, it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

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