Sunday, January 28, 2007

100th Day!!

It's all down hill from here. Thursday and Friday we celebrated days 100 and 101 at school. In the morning we finished our 100 word list and created our 100 Animals in the Zoo book. Our afternoon started out with stringing 100 fruit loops and then making 100 piece trail mix snacks to munch on. The kids had a ball! For 101 day we spent a good part of our morning watching 101 Dalmations. My class had never been so quiet! It is time to buckle down and get cracking. Come Monday we have 77 days of school left, but who's counting? :~)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Chrismikkah and New Years

Is this not the cutest tree? It's my very own Chrismikkah Bush! It was a present I received over the Holidays. I love it! The Holidays are over. It was great being off, but now it's time to get back into my routine of things. First things first I need to start saving money! I received 2 paychecks before winter break and I do not get another one until the 15th. YIKES! So that is why people say budgets are important. Hmmm, I suppose my first New Years resolution should be... make a budget and my second resolution should be...stick to it! Last week was back to the classroom. My class shrunk by one. Ooo I can't say that I am not happy though, the new year has definitely started out on a positive. Over the two week break, my kiddos have grown up. They are no longer ity bities but more like little people heading to first grade. Here is to 2007!!

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