Friday, September 08, 2006

Green 11's

TGIF!!! Meet my new friend... Unfortunately our paths crossed when it was too late! I have my first cold of the school year. Head is stuffed, nose keeps dripping, throat is sore and I feel the cough coming on. Not to mention the symphony of noises that went on in the classroom. In one corner we have the hackers and the coughers. In another corner we have the sneezers and the nose blowers, and we mustn’t forget about the gaggers. We went through one box of tissues in four days! It's snot funny!!! haha

Goop and all I am still looking forward to next week. Hopefully by Monday we will all be on the mend and my Kinderland will be germ free.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Update from Kinderland...

Is it a full moon or something? I still love my job, but my angelic students were grating on every nerve this past week. I guess we all have our moments. I survived "Meet the Teacher" night. I was so nervous at first, but after I started with my schpiel things got much easier. This is a picture of my back bulletin board. It looks a little more lived in from the beginning of the school year. With in the next two weeks I am going to implement "The Star of the Week". Each week a student will be able to share some fun facts about themselves and their families. During their week, they will be able to bring their favorite book to school for me to read and share with the class. Cool huh? Posted by Picasa

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